22 Apr What Is Figurative Language? Definition, Examples, and Types.
What Is Figurative Language?
Figurative language is a literary
device that uses words or phrases for effect, humorous, or exaggeration
purposes, instead of their literal translation. It is commonly used to create
an emotional reaction, especially in fiction, and to make reading more
enjoyable. It’s also used to explain or simplify a complex idea or to “paint a
picture” with words.
Figurative Language Examples
I haven’t eaten in six hours; I’m starving!
The tree limbs knocked on his window as the wind
It’s raining cats and dogs.
I hear in the chamber above me, the patter of
little feet.
Types of Figurative Language
1. Simile
2. Metaphor
3. Hyperbole
4. Personification
5. Allusion
6. Onomatopoeia
7. Idiom
8. Implied
9. Pun
A simile compares one thing to
another using the words “like” or “as” to make the description more vivid. For
example, He moves as slowly as a sloth.
While “he” does not literally move as slowly as a sloth, the comparison
indicates that he’s moving at a sluggish speed.
She pulled the fabric until it was as tight as a drum.
Edward’s skin sparkled like diamonds in the sunlight.
At 27 mph, Hussain Bolt can run as fast as a pit bull.
A metaphor also involves a
comparison between two things, but without the use of “like” or “as.” Many metaphors
use a “to be” verb between each word in the comparison. In the sentence, Billy is a night owl, Billy is being
compared to a night owl to imply that he stays up late at night.
Time is money.
He used to say that he was a cash cow.
Laughter is the best medicine.
With personification, the writer assigns
the physical or emotional attributes of a human to a non-living thing. Personification
is common in fiction and other forms of creative writing, especially children’s
The wind carried her voice throughout the
His spicy chili kicked him in the mouth.
The sun kissed her face.
Hyperbole is the use of
exaggeration to create emphasis. The sentiments expressed in hyperboles are
typically not even close to being possible. For example, A million dreams
are keeping me awake. It’s probably impossible to dream a million dreams in
a lifetime. Therefore, this expression is used to indicate that the person is
full of wonderful ideas.
Beth’s mother told her 1,000 times to
stay off that bridge.
The suspense is killing me.
Eric is drowning in debt.
In literature, allusion is an
indirect reference to a person, idea, object, literary work, event, concept,
element of pop culture, or some other noun that the reader is likely already
familiar with. Allusions can also be metaphors and similes.
Mr. Einstein over here solved the problem in 12
seconds. (Albert Einstein)
She discovered that he was the man behind the curtain. (The Wizard of Oz)
What they thought was a reward ended up being a
Trojan horse. (Virgil’s Aeneid)
Onomatopoeia is a word that, when
spoken aloud, imitates the sound it describes. For example, “meow” mimics the
common vocalization that a cat makes, and “sizzle” imitates the sound that food
makes as it’s cooking.
Sally giggled.
Her hiccup
frightened her.
The child wouldn’t stop whining.
An idiom is a phrase in which the
words are not intended to be defined literally. A well-known idiom is “blessing
in disguise.”
Back to square one
Once in a blue moon
Chip on her shoulder
Implied Metaphor
An implied metaphor suggests a comparison of two things,
instead of explicitly stating that one thing is being compared to another. For
example, The boy hissed with irritation.
Although “cat” doesn’t appear in this sentence, the reader can conclude that
the boy is being compared to a cat because of the word “hissed.”
The room erupted in laughter.
Hector was shackled to his studies.
Deepti snarled at him in response.
A pun is a method of word play that exploits different meanings of a word or
words that sound similar to elicit a humorous reaction.
“Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt.” – Mark Twain
Because it was so dark, she didn’t see the knight in front of
The phone was just a prop. It was phony.